16. 1. 2013

Enchanted Pond - ESCAPADE (odměny)

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 1

7th January, 2013 till 9th January, 2013

We Need Rain!: The pond is dry and I need to perform a rain spell.  Can you help me collect pond runes?
Pond RunePixie Pond
Get 5 Pond RunesPixie Pond

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 2
10th January, 2013 till 12th January, 2013
Ready for Rain: We need more people to perform the rain spell.  Ask your friends to help sow the field!
Fae Tower
Get 8 Friends to helpFae Tower

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 3
13th January, 2013 till 20th January, 2013
From Dust to Drip: We need Evergrass Dew, Cloud Essence and Evermist to perform a rain spell.
Task 1Task 2Task 3Reward
Evergrass DewCloud EssenceEvermistBighorned Beetle
Get 7 Evergrass DewGet 7 Cloud EssenceGet 7 EvermistBighorned Beetle

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 4
21st January, 2013 till 23rd January, 2013
Clouds Have Come: I think we overdid it! Could you help me grab the baby fairy frogs before they get washed away?
Amaryllis Tree
Get 7 friends to helpAmaryllis Tree

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 5
24th January, 2013 till 26th January, 2013
Umbrella Urgency: Before I try a sunshine spell we should gather some umbrellas.  Ask your friends for some Fairybrellas!
FairybrellaFairybrella Fairy
Get 8 FairybrellasFairybrella Fairy

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 6
27th January, 2013 till 2nd February, 2013
Sunny Skies: It's time I clear up this rain.  Ask your friends for some Everglow Leaves, Sunshine Daisies, and Western Wind so I can perform the sunshine spell!
Task 1Task 2Task 3Reward
Everglow LeavesSunshine DaisiesWestern WindRain Cloud
Get 9 Everglow LeavesGet 9 Sunshine DaisiesGet 9 Western WindRain Cloud

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 7
3rd February, 2013 till 4th February, 2013
Vine Time: Wow, all that rain made those vines grow super fast! Gather some friends to help cut through the brush!
Fae Bark Teepee
Get 7 Friends to helpFae Bark Teepee

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 8
5th February, 2013 till 6th February, 2013
Nevergrow: Those trees sprouted pretty fast too! Do you mind giving them some Nevergrow Sap?
Nevergrow Sap
Get 10 Nevergrow SapRain Fairy Costume

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 9
7th February, 2013 till 11th February, 2013
Pond Purification: Let's work on restoring the pond.  I'll need Pond Pixies, Purity Essence, and those Baby Fairy Frogs we saved.
Task 1Task 2Task 3Reward
Pond PixiesPurity EssenceBaby Fairy FrogBaby Fairy Frog
Get 12 Pond PixiesGet 12 Purity EssenceGet 12 Baby Fairy FrogsBaby Fairy Frog

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 10
12th February, 2013 till 13th February, 2013
Party Planning: My sister would like us to throw a party now that the pond is back to normal.  Why not invite some of your friends?
Party Fairy
Get 9 Friends to helpParty Fairy

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 11
14th February, 2013 till 15th February, 2013
Pretty Lights: Before we throw this party, let's string up some pretty lanterns!
Pixie LanternPixie Lantern
Get 12 Pixie LanternsPixie Lantern

Enchanted Pond Escapade Stage 12
16th February, 2013 till 20th February, 2013
Pixie Party: All we need now is food!  Could you find us some Starquench Cider, Blue Crumb Cakes, and Evercream Pies?
Task 1Task 2Task 3Reward
Starquench CiderBlue Crumb CakeEvercream PieBird of Paradise Tree
Get 15 Starquench CiderGet 15 Blue CrumbGet 15 Evercream PiesBird Of Paradise Tree
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