28. 10. 2013

Colors of Autumn úkoly/Quest ( od 31/10 do 14/11/2013)

Quest 1Sweets After SummerItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 7 Syrup Jars
  2. Harvest 100 Red Chrysanthemum (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Make 2 Water Troughs in the Elite Horses
Maple Piglet
Helpful Tips:
7 Syrup JarsMaple Piglet

Quest 2Nippy NatureItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 8 Autumn Scarves
  2. Harvest 200 Brooch (Harvest in 46 Hours)
  3. Make 2 Fawn Feed in the Craftshop
3 Pack of Turbos
Helpful Tips:
8 Autumn Scarves3 Pack of Turbos

Quest 3Healthy HarvestsItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 9 Leaf Nets
  2. Harvest 200 Red Chrysanthemum (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Make 2 Vita Drinks in the Winery
Autumn Lake
Helpful Tips:
9 Leaf NetsAutumn Lake

Quest 4Preserving PerfectionItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 10 Leaf Books
  2. Harvest 300 Magic Dandelion (Harvest in 46 Hours)
  3. Master Red Chrysanthemum to 1-Star (Total 600 Harvests Needed)
Book of XP
Helpful Tips:
10 Leaf BooksBook of XP

Quest 5Autumn BreakItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 10 Autumn Seeds
  2. Harvest 300 Popcorn (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Make 3 Hoof Picks in the Elite Horses
Autumnshade Tree
Helpful Tips:
10 Autumn SeedsAutumnshade Tree

Quest 6Autumn and AviariesItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 11 Feed Pouches
  2. Harvest 400 Gooseberry (Harvest in 46 Hours)
  3. Craft 3 Fuel Cans in the Craftshop
Autumn Chicken
Helpful Tips:
11 Feed PouchesAutumn Chicken

Quest 7Fall LightingItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 12 Fall Lanterns
  2. Harvest 500 Kale (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Craft 3 Watering Cans in the Craftshop
Autumn Nights Tree
Helpful Tips:
12 Fall LanternsAutumn Nights Tree

Quest 8Leafing FallItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 13 Leaf Strings Harvest 600 Yeerba Mate (Harvest in 11 Hours 30 Mints)
  1. Craft 3 Gilded Bouquets in the Spa
Helpful Tips:
13 Leaf StringsUnwither

Quest 9Under an Autumn MoonItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 14 Moon Leaves
  2. Harvest 700 Teaberries (Harvest in 18 Hours)
  3. Make 3 Saddling Benches in the Saddling Bench Station of Elite Horses
Autumn Night Pegacorn
Helpful Tips:
14 Moon Leaves Autumn Night Pegacorn

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