28. 10. 2013

Farmville Treehouse 2013 (stavba)

Farmville Treehousenová nevydaná stavba včetně animace

Colors of Autumn úkoly/Quest ( od 31/10 do 14/11/2013)

Quest 1Sweets After SummerItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 7 Syrup Jars
  2. Harvest 100 Red Chrysanthemum (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Make 2 Water Troughs in the Elite Horses
Maple Piglet
Helpful Tips:
7 Syrup JarsMaple Piglet

Quest 2Nippy NatureItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 8 Autumn Scarves
  2. Harvest 200 Brooch (Harvest in 46 Hours)
  3. Make 2 Fawn Feed in the Craftshop
3 Pack of Turbos
Helpful Tips:
8 Autumn Scarves3 Pack of Turbos

Quest 3Healthy HarvestsItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 9 Leaf Nets
  2. Harvest 200 Red Chrysanthemum (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Make 2 Vita Drinks in the Winery
Autumn Lake
Helpful Tips:
9 Leaf NetsAutumn Lake

Quest 4Preserving PerfectionItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 10 Leaf Books
  2. Harvest 300 Magic Dandelion (Harvest in 46 Hours)
  3. Master Red Chrysanthemum to 1-Star (Total 600 Harvests Needed)
Book of XP
Helpful Tips:
10 Leaf BooksBook of XP

Quest 5Autumn BreakItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 10 Autumn Seeds
  2. Harvest 300 Popcorn (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Make 3 Hoof Picks in the Elite Horses
Autumnshade Tree
Helpful Tips:
10 Autumn SeedsAutumnshade Tree

Quest 6Autumn and AviariesItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 11 Feed Pouches
  2. Harvest 400 Gooseberry (Harvest in 46 Hours)
  3. Craft 3 Fuel Cans in the Craftshop
Autumn Chicken
Helpful Tips:
11 Feed PouchesAutumn Chicken

Quest 7Fall LightingItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 12 Fall Lanterns
  2. Harvest 500 Kale (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Craft 3 Watering Cans in the Craftshop
Autumn Nights Tree
Helpful Tips:
12 Fall LanternsAutumn Nights Tree

Quest 8Leafing FallItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 13 Leaf Strings Harvest 600 Yeerba Mate (Harvest in 11 Hours 30 Mints)
  1. Craft 3 Gilded Bouquets in the Spa
Helpful Tips:
13 Leaf StringsUnwither

Quest 9Under an Autumn MoonItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 14 Moon Leaves
  2. Harvest 700 Teaberries (Harvest in 18 Hours)
  3. Make 3 Saddling Benches in the Saddling Bench Station of Elite Horses
Autumn Night Pegacorn
Helpful Tips:
14 Moon Leaves Autumn Night Pegacorn

Leaderboards (od 30/10 do 6/11/2013)

začíná: 30.10.   končí:  6.11.2013

Task 1: Get Crafty!
Craft Goods to get to the top of the list!
Get CraftyCraft 75 GoodsCraft 20 GoodsCraft 3 Goods
Instagrow PotionUnwitherFertilize All
Craft GoodsWin 2x Instagrow PotionWin 3x UnwitherWin 1 Fertilize All

Task 2: Storybooks Fest!
Harvest Storybooks (Limited Edition Crop) to get to the top of the list!
Storybooks FestHarvest 6000 SeedsHarvest 3000 SeedsHarvest 1000 Seeds
Farmville StorybooksInstagrow PotionUnwitherFertilize All
Plant StorybooksWin 2x Instagrow PotionWin 3x UnwitherWin 1 Fertilize All

Task 3: Horse Lovers!
Craft Braids! to get to the top of the list!
Horse Lovers!Craft 30 Craft BraidsCraft 20 Craft BraidsCraft 5 Craft Braids
Instagrow PotionUnwitherFertilize All
Craft Braids in the Grooming Stable of your Elite Horses.Win 2x Instagrow PotionWin 3x UnwitherWin 1 Fertilize All

27. 10. 2013

Mystical Groves *** 7 *** úkoly/Quest (od 28/10 do 4/11/2013)

Mystical Groves *** 7 *** úkoly/Quest (od 28/10 do 4/11/2013)

"Oh, Farmer, there you are! I'm preparing for the coronation, and I could use your help. Renara and Tattle have been really supportive, but I'd like to give them a break. Would you mind helping me get ready?"

Quest 1Freshly DressedItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 7 Kingly Clothes
  2. Harvest 120 Bright Stalk (Harvest in 14 Hours)
  3. Craft Lucky Tonic 2 Times in the Alchemist'sShop

7 Kingly ClothesFairyfly Duck

Quest 2The Hot SeatItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 8 Royal Thrones
  2. Harvest 120 Obal Pumpkin (Harvest in 16 Hours)
  3. Harvest Riding Boar 2 Times

8 Royal ThronesDear Horn Dwarf

Quest 3Roll Out The CarpetItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 9 Royal Carpets
  2. Harvest 130 Zaffre Oats (Harvest in 16 Hours)
  3. Make Melody Mix 2 Times in the Apothecary

9 Royal CarpetsViolet Dryad Tree

Quest 4Finishing TouchesItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 9 Furred Mantles
  2. Harvest 150 Violet Allium (Harvest in 20 Hours)
  3. Master Riding Boar to 1-Star

9 Furred MantlesPilot Dragon

Quest 5Crowning MomentItem to Ask Reward
  1. Get 10 King's Crown
  2. Harvest 160 Fairy Blossom (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Make Tickled Pink 2 Times in the Apothecary

10 King's CrownGolem

Quest 6Solemn SwearItem to Ask Reward 
  1. Get 12 King's Oaths
  2. Harvest 175 Dragon Vine (Harvest in 23 Hours)
  3. Craft Brouha Brew 2 Times in the Alchemist'sShop

12 King's OathsRed Fairy Dragicorn
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