29. 6. 2012

Magical Ponies úkoly/Quests (od 5/7 do 19/7)

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obrázkový rozpis úkolů najdete ve spodní části stránky

Quest 1: 
Get 4 Rainbows (Post to the feed) Harvest 50 Strawberry (4 Hrs Crop)
Harvest the Horse Paddock Twice
125 XP, Double Rainbow Pony, 
2,500 Farm Coins
Quest 2:
Get 6 Fallen Stars (Post to the feed)
Harvest 75 Ghost Chili (6 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Double Rainbow Pony Twice
Rewards: 150 XP, Star Pony,
3,000 Farm Coins
Quest 3:
Get 8 Magic Brushes (Post to the feed)
Harvest 100 Pineapple (48 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Star Pony Twice
Rewards: 175 XP, 1 Mystery Dart,
3,500 Farm Coins
Quest 4:
Get 9 Friendships (Post to the feed)
Harvest 125 Rhubarb (16 Hrs Crop)
Craft a Fertilize All
Rewards: 200 XP, Friendship Pony,
4,000 Farm Coins
Quest 5:
Get 9 Butterflies (Post to the feed)
Harvest 150 Golden Poppy
(24 Hrs Crop)
Master Double Rainbow Pony 1 Star
(5 Harvests)
Rewards: 225 XP,
Yellow Butterfly Pony,
 4,500 Farm Coins
Quest 6:
Get 9 Wisdom
Harvest 150 Peas
Harvest the Friendship Pony Twice
Rewards: 250 XP, 1 Book Of XP,
5,000 Farm Coins
Quest 7:
Get 10 Bumblebees
Harvest 150 Chickpea (20 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Yellow Butterfly Pony Twice
Rewards: 275 XP, Bumblebee Pony,
5,500 Farm Coins
Quest 8:
Get 11 Rays of Sunshine
Harvest 150 Sunflower(24 Hrs Crop)
Master Friendship Pony 1 Star

 (5 Harvests)
Rewards: 300 XP, 3 Unwithers,
6,000 Farm Coins
Quest 9:
Get 12 Balloons (Post to the feed)
Harvest 150 Eggplant (48 Hrs Crop)
Master Yellow Butterfly Pony 1 Star
(5 Harvests)
Rewards: 325 XP, Balloon Pony,
6,500 Farm Coins

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