13. 11. 2012

Mistletoe Lane úkoly/Quest ** 3 ** (od 19/11 do 26/11/2012)

upozornění: rozpis úkolů se může kdykoliv, do doby oficiálního spuštění změnit! Zynga je nevyzpytatelná :)

Quest IconDusting OffItem to AskReward
Quest 11. Get 6 Holly Whistles
2. Harvest 20 Winter Grain (23 Hrs)
3. Complete 1 Holiday Orchard On Mistletoe Lane
Holly WhistleSpotted Wolverine
Quest Tips:Having a completed Holiday Orchard on the farm (even before the quest starts) should also work…Holly WhistlesSpotted Wolverine

Quest IconRaise the RoofItem to AskReward
Quest 21. Get 8 Poinsettia Pots
2. Harvest 30 Cider Apple (15 Hrs 54 Min)
3. Harvest Spotted Wolverine 2 Times
Poinsettia PotCampout Cottage
Quest Tips:Harvest the Wolverine in the Wildlife Pen…Poinsettia PotCampout Cottage

Quest IconHolly Cow!Item to AskReward
Quest 31. Get 8 Holly Buckets
2. Harvest 40 Winter Squash (46 Hrs)
3. Complete 1 Animal Workshop
Holly BucketHolly Cow
Quest Tips:Try completing the Animal Workshop in advance if you have not yet started…Holly BucketHolly Cow

Quest IconFunding FestivitiesItem to AskReward
Quest 41. Get 8 Gem Detectors
2. Harvest 50 Potatornament (11 Hrs 54 Min)
3. Make Holiday Pudding 1 Time
Gem DetectorMine Shaft
Quest Tips:For the CraftGem DetectorMine Shaft

Quest IconPetaled PresentationItem to AskReward
Quest 51. Get 9 Flower Lantern Seed
2. Harvest 60 Wax Beans (15 Hrs 54 Min)
3. Master Spotted Wolverine to 1-Star 
Flower Lantern SeedPoinsettia Lantern Tree
Quest Tips:Harvest the Wolverine in the Wildlife Pen… Flower Lantern SeedPoinsettia Lantern Tree

Quest IconSealing The DealItem to AskReward
Quest 61. Get 10 Bell Bundles
2. Harvest 70 Winter Grain (23 Hrs)
3. Make Apple Cider 1 Time
Bell BundleSilverbell Seal
Quest Tips:For the CraftBell BundleSilverbell Seal

počet bushels potřebných pro tyto úkoly:

Winter Squash – 1, Cider Apple – 4, Coffee – 2, Holiday Poinsettia – 1, Rye – 2

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