31. 10. 2012

Aquarium Cow * Aquarium Calf

Aquarium Cow
Aquarium Cow
Aquarium Calf
Aquarium Calf

30. 10. 2012

Fall Festival Countdown - odpočítávání


Turkey FeatherMarshmallowFall FlowerCaramel CubeFlower PetalHanging Candle
Turkey FeatherMarshmallowFall FlowerCaramel CubeFlower PetalHanging Candle
WaxPumpkin SignBasket of Gourds Crumble Maple Tree SpoutEgg Nog Glass
WaxPumpkin SignBasket of GourdsCrumbleMaple Tree SpoutEgg Nog Glass
Frosting BagHoliday DecorationBonsai Clipper Cornucopia Basket 

Frosting BagHoliday DecorationBonsai ClipperCornucopia Basket


Fall Bouquet TreeFall Candle TreeEgg Nog TreeFall Cupcake TreeMaple Cookie BonsaiCornucopia Tree
Fall Bouquet TreeFall Candle TreeEgg Nog TreeFall Cupcake TreeMaple Cookie BonsaiCornucopia Tree
TurduckyCaramel Apple PigGourd Cow Fall Wreath Peacock Fall BonfireFall Flowers Road
TurduckyCaramel Apple PigGourd CowFall Wreath PeacockFall BonfireFall Flowers Road
Pumpkin PlanterCrumble A La GnomeWreath Barn Fall Flowerbed 

Pumpkin PlanterCrumble A La GnomeWreath BarnFall Flowerbed

Bonus : Fall Pegacorn.

Fall Pegacorn Fall Pegacorn Foal

28. 10. 2012

MYSTERY GAME OD 29/10/2012

Mystery Game

Edwardian Horse

Madam Morgan Cow

Edwardian Horse Carriage

Teacup Puppy

Scullery Maid Pig

Edwardian Sheep

Celebrate Dia de los Muertos Quest/úkoly (od 1/11 do 15/11/2012)

Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with Ariela! Quest

Quest IconOfrendaItem to AskReward
Quest 11. Get 6 Cow Sugar Skulls
2. Harvest 50 Carrot (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest Any Paddock Twice
Cow Sugar SkullSugar Pig
Quest Tips:Crop Alternatives: Carrotcicle (12 hrs), Heirloom Carrot(12 hrs), Forbidden Carrot (24 hrs)… For Paddocks, currently the Haunted farm ones will not count…Cow Sugar SkullSugar Pig

Quest IconConfection ConnectionItem to AskReward
Quest 21. Get 7 Duck Sugar Skulls
2. Harvest 75 Ghost Chili (6 Hrs)
3. Harvest Sugar Pig Twice
Duck Sugar SkullUnwither x3
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: None... Harvest the pig in the Livestock Pen…Duck Sugar SkullUnwither x3

Quest IconSweet PigItem to AskReward
Quest 31. Get 8 Pig Sugar Skulls
2. Harvest 100 Chickpea (20 Hrs)
3. Harvest Bunny Hutch Twice
Pig Sugar SkullSugar Duck
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: None...Pig Sugar SkullSugar Duck

Quest IconYellow MarigoldsItem to AskReward
Quest 41. Get 9 Yellow Marigolds
2. Harvest 125 Peppermint (1 Day)
3. Master Sugar Pig 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Yellow MarigoldBook of XP
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Mint Candy (1 Day)… Harvest the pig in Livestock Pen…Yellow MarigoldBook of XP

Quest IconOrange MarigoldsItem to AskReward
Quest 51. Get 9 Orange Marigolds
2. Harvest 150 Lilac (10 Hrs)
3. Harvest Sugar Duck Twice
Orange MarigoldSugar Cow
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Lilac Daffy (16 hrs)… Harvest the Duck in the Duck Pond, or aviary…Orange MarigoldSugar Cow

Quest IconRed MarigoldsItem to AskReward
Quest 61. Get 9 Red Marigolds
2. Harvest 150 Pumpkin (8 Hrs)
3. Master Sugar Duck to 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Red Marigold3 Pack of Turbo
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Super Pumpkin (8 Hrs), White Pumpkin (8 Hrs), Black Pumpkin (12 Hrs), Jack O’Lantern (8 Hrs)... Harvest the Duck in Duck pond or aviary…Red Marigold3 Pack of Turbo

Quest IconCalaverasItem to AskReward
Quest 71. Get 10 Face Paint
2. Harvest 150 Eggplant (2 Days)
3. Harvest Sugar Cow Twice
Face PaintSugar Horse
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Forbidden Eggplant (2 Days), Chinese Eggplant (2 Days)… Harvest cow in Dairy or Cow Pasture…Face PaintSugar Horse

Quest IconShare a SongItem to AskReward
Quest 81. Get 11 Guitars
2. Harvest 150 Rice (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest Sugar Horse Twice
GuitarBlue Sugar Dragon
Quest Tips:Crop Alternatives: Double Grain (12 Hrs), Iced Rice (12 Hrs), Sticky Rice (1 Day), Imperial Rice (4 Hrs)… Harvest Horse in Paddock or Stables…GuitarBlue Sugar Dragon

Quest IconPan de MuertoItem to AskReward
Quest 91. Get 12 Pan de Muerto
2. Harvest 200 Wheat (12 Hrs)
3. Master Sugar Cow 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Pan de MuertoSugar Pegacorn
Quest Tips:Crop Alternative: Red Wheat (3 Days)… Harvest the cow in Dairy or in Cow Pasture…Pan de MuertoSugar Pegacorn
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